Transportation Allowances for Students Residing at Gadzoosdaa Residence
The Department of Education offers various supports to families whose children have to leave their community to attend high school in Whitehorse. For example, families may be provided with a travel allowance to help offset travel costs to and from their home communities during the school year.
The amount of the transportation allowance (limited to one per family) is the Government of Yukon car mileage rate payable to public servants to a maximum amount prescribed by Ministerial Order, which currently is a maximum of $13 per day.
Families of students staying at Gadzoosdaa Student Residence to attend high school in Whitehorse because a high school program is not available in their community are eligible for a travel allowance.
The Department of Education will provide a travel allowance for up to six return trips between Whitehorse and the student’s home community during each school year up to the maximum payable under the Ministerial Order.
- August (beginning of school year)
- October (Thanksgiving)
- December (Christmas holiday)
- March (March Break)
- April (Easter)
- June (end of school year)
Based on a school year of 190 school days, the maximum annual amount that a transportation allowance can be is $2,470 (190 days X $13 dollars per day).
Example – students from Ross River residing at Gadzoosdaa Residence to attend high school in Whitehorse. Ross River is an 820 kilometer return trip to and from Whitehorse.
At the rate of .595 cents per kilometer (the current mileage rate payable to public servants), this works out of $487.90 per round trip. This means that a student’s family will receive $487.90 per round trip between Ross River and Whitehorse, but only to the maximum amount of $2,470 each school year.
To be eligible for a transportation allowance, an Application for Student Transportation Allowance must be submitted to the Department of Education. As proof that a family is eligible for the transportation allowance, Gadzoosdaa Student Residence will provide the Department of Education a list of students returning to their home community on the eligible weekends.
For more information, please contact [email protected].
Click here to download the form.